Health is Consciousness

In the treatment of emotional disorders, Reflexotherapy offers effective therapies to deal with problems such as:
We are a family owned and operated business.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD);
Panic crisis;
Mood swings;
Low self esteem.
In my work as a Reflexotherapist, I help people to be well in their physical, emotional and mental state.
In the sessions I use the technique of foot reflexology to understand what is being summed up in your body through observations of marks on your feet, which helps to understand the root of an emotion and its physical compromises.
For all symptoms and feelings there is a story behind it and the analysis we carry out on the feet helps us to understand and seek a therapeutic line through reflexology.
Reflexology's therapeutic stimuli activate the natural mechanisms of physiological correction and rebalancing in the central nervous system and act on synaptic changes, creating new preferential neurological connections, improving understanding and interaction with emotional situations and our mental beliefs. I will work during the sessions on the awareness you need to have for better health and well-being.
Our feet say a lot about our emotional state. We create masks to avoid our pain and in it we report to the world. From the feet we look at the human soul without these masks. Our emotional pains that are not worked on and often not even understood change our metabolism and in many cases cause several physical problems. In my work I help interactants to discover their emotional wounds. Health depends on this self-awareness. We can thus say that diseases warn us that something is not right. The sooner you become aware of these biological processes, the healthier you will be. To better understand the reason why we get sick we will identify situations like these in our feet:
Do you usually adopt other people's problems? Having difficulty saying no.
Do you live brooding over the past?
Do you spend energy on a job that you don't like or that you don't value?
Are you committed to your dreams?
Do you usually hold grudges?
Do you usually keep your emotions?
Do you remain attached to situations and people that hold you back?
Do your fears block you?
Are you rejecting people and feeling rejected?
Are you adamant in the face of life's adversities or your ideas?
Do you know how to listen to people?
How is your self-esteem?
Do you allow yourself to have pleasure?
Do you want to control everything and everyone?
Do you demand too much and become your biggest critic?
Do you have difficulty digesting situations, ideas and people?
Do you run out of energy to self-motivate?
Do you have difficulty perceiving your feelings?
Are you a persistent or stubborn person?
Are you in rebellion?
Are you in a state of submission to people (usually direct family members)?
Are you feeling alone and in some cases even without a tribe?
Are you having conflicts with your parents?
Our feet talk about our emotional state and it is possible to see questions of apathy, hurt and even hurt feelings. The emotions we addressed:
Fear, insecurity and firmness;
Activity / decision;
Desire / Will / Ambition;
Confidence , Sexuality / Optimism.
Contributing to this analysis, our feet speak a lot about our personality and temperament. We see situations such as:
Explosive temper (short fuse);
It does not endure injustices;
Quick thinking. He is usually annoyed by slow-witted people;
People who value family very much;