Health is Consciousness
Releases muscle tension points and promotes relaxation

Different feelings generate changes in our biology and one of the most common effects is muscle tension.
These are situations where our Central Nervous System (CNS) will trigger biological programming to support the facts and feelings through the stiffening of our muscles.
The main emotional agents that trigger muscle tension are:
Worry and anxiety (fear): To support the coping;
Feeling of overload: Our unconscious perceives this emotional state as if we were holding the world on our backs. It occurs to support this weight (situation).
Guilt: Guilt gives us the feeling that we are carrying a weight on our backs. We come to believe, even unconsciously, that we are to blame for something that we have done or allowed to happen. The muscular tension will thus help to carry the guilt (weight).
Self-collection. Perfectionist people charge themselves a lot for results and place a burden of responsibility that will be processed as a burden that we must bear.
Shaken Nervous System: When we face an intense emotional load.
Our feet signal and all these issues and the stimuli that we give in the horny points will make the Central Nervous System to recalibrate the muscular tension. The interesting fact is in the information that when we decrease the tension we will also work better on the emotions that generated them.
What are the reflex points of tension that we will always stimulate:
Nerve fibers;
Tension point;
When more than two points of tension are shown with increased sensitivity to pain, it is a sign that the interactant may have an emotional system shaken.
To address issues of self-criticism and perfectionism, we will always emphasize the reflex area of the liver . we will also combine it with stimuli in the reflex areas of the eyes, which will help our neurology to see the situation differently.
Depending on the situation, where the interactant cannot help but face a situation in which he / she is feeling overwhelmed, we will add stimuli in the reflex area of our muscles and in the external area of the fifth toe of the right foot. In this way, we will be preparing your musculature for this confrontation, that is, we will be preparing you to have strength and firmness to overcome.
People with a very rigid temperament often have problems with their joints (flexibility). In this case, we will focus on reflex areas to address flexibility to facts and situations in your life. The common points to be worked on are mouths, knees / elbows, diaphragms and sciatic nerve. More severe cases can cause inflammation in the joints and even be emotional triggers of autoimmune diseases such as Ankylosing Spondylitis.
When the root cause of your muscle stiffness problems is due to anxiety, we will focus on the reflex area of the HPA axis (Pituitary, Pineal (pituitary) and adrenal (adrenal). Depending on the case, the reflex area of the hippocampus and cerebellar tonsil should also be worked on.
If the process stems from fears and insecurity, we will add to the therapeutic urinary and thyroid system.
With always on board, there is no single therapy, since each one has a temperament and a life story where their beliefs and behaviors should be addressed in an analysis that we will do along the treatment.