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Assists in Weight Loss

We are at a healthy weight when the Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9. When the BMI is greater than 30, the person is considered obese. The higher the rate, the more likely the patient is to develop diabetes, cardiovascular and joint problems, high blood pressure and depression, problems directly linked to poorer quality of life and less longevity.

  • Underweight: BMI below 18.5

  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9

  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9

  • Grade I obesity: BMI between 30 and 34.9

  • Grade II obesity: BMI between 35 and 39.9

  • Grade III obesity: BMI above 40.

Causes of weight gain:

1) Poor nutrition;

2) Excessive feeding;

3) Low physical activity;

4) Metabolic problems;

5) Genetic factors with a propensity to have a slower metabolism;

6) Hormonal problems;

7) Psychological factors. Stress or frustrations trigger binge eating crises.

How does foot reflexology help you lose weight?

By stimulating some reflex points on the feet, it is possible to normalize some of the imbalances that lead to obesity. The stimuli will act in areas of control of our brain, providing resources for our body to show less binge eating, regulate its metabolism, have more disposition to perform physical activities and regulate hormonal and consequently emotional activity.


For no physical imbalance, standard therapy is sufficient. By the feet we will look for signs that show the root of the problem. This information will be the basis for building an efficient therapy.

Basic therapeutic protocol:

  • Normalize metabolism:

    • It makes it possible to burn calories to maintain the temperature; and normalizing metabolism aims to normalize the burning of sugars. Reflex points to be worked on:

      • Pineal (Melatonin acts as a decelerator of metabolic activity and regulates sleep);

      • Thyroid reflex area (regulates metabolism and helps control appetite);

      • Liver ( Metabolic processes involving fats and sugars);

      • Vesicle (helps to absorb new situations);

      • Pancreas (insulin control);

      • Spleen (Helps to give disposition and willpower to avoid excessive consumption of food).

      • Vertebrae C7, T4, T5, T7 and T8;

  • Normalize the circulation and filtering of toxins:

    • Reduces measurements. Reflex points to be worked on:

      • Lymphatic system. Eliminate the accumulation of toxins in tissues and prevents fluid retention in the body;

      • Circulation. It acts in the elimination of toxins by the Lymphatic System;

      • Kidneys . Toxins circulating in the blood must be eliminated in the urine.

      • Vertebrae T2, T10 and T11;

  • Normalize digestion:

    • General normalization of the digestive tract. Reflex point to be worked on:

    • Normalize to stomach function. Reflex point to be worked on:

    • Normalizing the intestinal transit and nutrient uptake. Reflex points to be worked on:

  • Normalize satiety:

    • Decreases gluttony. Reflex points to be worked on:

  • Normalize anxiety:

    • Balances the level of adrenaline and cortisol. Reflex point to be worked on:

      • Adrenal glands;

      • Vertebra T9;

    • Controlling the rate of breathing;

      • Bubo;

      • Lung;

      • Vertebra T3.

    • Control of the desire to eat sweets:

Reflex points complementary to the treatment to reinforce feedback circuits of the stimuli described above:

  • Pituitary gland . Manager of the glandular system and works together with adrenals, thyroid and pancreas.

Physical benefits of stimuli :

Control of satiety through stimuli in the reflex area of ​​the hypothalamus.

Improves intestinal transit (peristaltic movements), responsible for you going to the bathroom. It also increases the disposition resulting from the improvement in the use of nutrients.

Reduces measurements. The stimulus the reflex areas of the lymphatic, circulatory and renal system feet stimulate the reduction of swelling, improves the appearance of cellulite and helps reduce measures.

Emotional benefits of stimuli :

It measures the body's level of adrenaline and cortisol, controlling anxiety.

Regulating stomach activity and helps to assimilate situations considered to be indigestible in your life with improvements in emotional overload.

The stimulation of the solar plexus, in addition to the physical benefits, will provide a clearer mind and avoid the famous memory lapses. They help to have more self-control and increase the state of our energy. This point is the key to our autonomous system and our subconscious. When in harmony, it provides a state of relaxation.

Additional recommendations:

  • Take the required amount of water daily. The calculation made is 35 ml of water multiplied by the body weight. For example: A person of 45 kg should drink 1.5 liters of water per day (the equivalent of 7 or 8 glasses) and a person of 80 kg should drink 2.8 liters of water per day (approximately 14 glasses);

  • Take at least 15 minutes of sun daily, without sunscreen. Check with your doctor that regular vitamin D tests are performed;

  • Do physical activity daily. Set a small goal like walking 20 minutes daily. In normal times and situations, there are no acceptable excuses for not being carried out. As an example, walk 20 minutes after lunch.

  • Preferably sleep until 11 am and for at least 7 hours. The environment must have an absence of light.

  • Avoid consuming large quantities of any food, especially after 6 pm.

Health is Consciousness


Being healthy is a matter of conscience . The disease is above all an imbalance, and when we meet and harmonize physically, emotionally and mentally, we are creating a protective barrier. This balance translates into physiological homeostasis with our immune system restored.
information is the most influential force in the universe. "Jacob Bekenstein"

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