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Trapped Intestine

Constipation affects about 30% of the population, but with prevalence among women, that is, they are the ones who suffer the most from the problem, which can be aggravated with age. Decreased estrogen hormone in menopause is one of the frequent causes of constipation.

Trapped (constipated) intestines may be related to a difficulty in absorbing a situation, whose poorly worked emotions end up interfering with your rhythm. It can also be related to the posture of highly critical people, who usually have difficulty absorbing situations positively or in some cases absorbing everything that has passed without a mental screen, which can cause constipation and weight gain.

For no pathology, standard therapy is sufficient. By the feet we will look for signs that show the root of the problem. This information will be the basis for building an efficient therapy.

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Basic protocol of reflexes to treat stuck intestine. Reflex areas evolved:
1) Hypothalamus ;
2) Pituitary gland ;
3) Pineal ;
4) Column with emphasis on T12 and L1;

5) Circulation;
6) Liver ;

7) Solar plexus ;
8) vagus nerve ;
9) Small intestine ;
10) ileocecal valve;
11) Large intestine ;
12) Straight;
13) Anus.

If the interactor is very adamant, include:

14) Mouth ;

15) Diaphragm;

16) Knees;

17) Sacroiliac joint.


If the interactant has difficulty seeing the situation he is having difficulty swallowing from another point of view:

17) In the emphasis column in C2;

18) Optical nerves;

19) Eyes;

20) Pancreas .


If the interactant is in menopause, add:

21) Ovaries (helps in the normalization of estrogen) and reinforcement in the pituitary gland;

1) Consumption of soluble fibers (nuts, oat bran, seeds and vegetables) and insoluble fibers (wheat bran, whole grain vegetables);
2) Good hydration;

3) Consumption of probiotics;
4) Physical activity.

Academic works demonstrating the effectiveness of reflexology:

a) The effects of reflexology on constipation and motor functions in children with cerebral palsy

Author : Bulent Elbasan, Sabiha Bezgin

Publication: Pediatrics & Neonatology

Publisher : Elsevier

Date : February 2018

b) Reflexology in the management of encopresis and chronic constipation.

Author : Bishop E; McKinnon E .; Weir E .; Brown DW

Publication : Nursing Children and Young People. 15, 3, 20-21.

PMID : 1271558

DOI : 10.7748 / paed2003.

c) Comparison of Effectiveness of Reflexology and Abdominal Massage on Constipation among Orthopedic Patients: A single-blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Author : Seyedrasooli, Alehe & Gharahmanian, Akram & Azizi, Azim & Goljaryan, Sakineh & Gillespie, Mark & ​​Aydinferd, Solmaz.

Publisher : (2016). International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 5. 33.

d) Effect of Reflexology on the Constipation Status of Elderly People

Or Aut: Bahar Inkaya; Hilal Tuzer

Publication: Yonago Acta Med. 2020; 63 (2): 115-121. 18 / May / 2020 May.

DOI: 10.33160 / yam.2020.05.007

Health is Consciousness


Being healthy is a matter of conscience . The disease is above all an imbalance, and when we meet and harmonize physically, emotionally and mentally, we are creating a protective barrier. This balance translates into physiological homeostasis with our immune system restored.
information is the most influential force in the universe. "Jacob Bekenstein"

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