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Understand self-sabotage


Self-sabotage is an unconscious behavior that prevents a person from following his or her purposes and thoughts. The systematization of these behaviors acquires a self-punishment bias in order not to reach the expected success or achieve something for which it aims.

This behavior can originate in childhood trauma. In family relationships, traumas can occur due to feelings and desires forbidden by parents who, over time, carry on until the adult stage.

It can also occur due to various motivations that affect us during our lives. By reflexology we know that this behavior affects the functioning of our intestines. As always on board, health is a two-way street. If the emotional affects the physical, the physical affects the emotional and in this way an intestinal problem can generate a trigger for self-sabotage behaviors.

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Self-sabotage usually puts us in a situation of procrastination and originates from several factors, such as being low on energy (low vitality) to accomplish anything.


Leaving unfinished activities activates negative emotions and feelings such as guilt and shame in our minds. Negative feelings amplify behavior. One of the ways to avoid this trap is to believe that if you leave something to do later, the result will be no better than what you will get if you finish immediately, because you have better conditions and time .


Procrastination is therefore an absence of success, and neurologically, the inactivation of the VTA area to produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is released for use in the prefrontal cuts on occasions where we feel accomplished and victorious.

It can harm the heart, affecting blood pressure. Increases stress and inflammatory conditions. They also affect the person not to do physical activities. Over time, the person may become more prone to depression.

Your brain does not forget its obligations and the unconscious charges, and we perceive this in an indirect way as the increased feelings of fear, guilt and discouragement.

One of the symptoms that we notice in procrastinating behavior is performing tasks close to their completion date. In this case, it seems that we have committed ourselves to avoid embarrassment. A question should be asked at this point:

_Do you leave the tasks to be carried out close to the date of their completion?

This attitude will keep you in a state of greater anxiety and may cause imbalances in your health. In some people, if the attitude is constant, it can generate panic (fear), which will cause the complete inability to react. This is a defense mechanism of our organism against a situation of chronic stress. Our brain, when it enters this chronic state, is unable to overcome small obstacles and procrastination will in itself be an insurmountable barrier. This is one of the mechanisms for a depressive condition.

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In Reflexotherapy, signs observed in the feet in the reflex area of ​​the ilium (end of the small intestine), is indicative that the interacting person tends to be in the process of self-sabotage. The most common signs are spots and peeling on the skin of the reflex region, and this area is also usually very sensitive to touch. The stimulus carried out in this reflex region will provide resources for the neuroplasticity so that the person is more assertive in his activities.

In this case, you should take care to check if there is a motivating factor for self-sabotage. Some questions that will help the reflex therapist to look for these motivations:

_For the tasks seem boring or unpleasant, do you have difficulty to start them?

_You expect that if you wait any longer the problem will disappear or will it be done by someone else?

_Do you not know how to start and thus never start them?

_The tasks are not in accordance with your purpose in life, then you use this to justify yourself and not do?

When the answer to some of these questions is yes, usually the person not to start an activity, starts another one that is more pleasurable and gets lost in time. If this behavior is common to you, notice that it seems that you never have time for everything you have to do and you perceive this as a feeling of chronic tiredness. Activities like watching another episode of your favorite series, or watching a new video on YouTube channels or spending hours uselessly browsing social media or watching random news may be impacting your life!

To exemplify, when addressing the lack of energy to start activities, the reflex therapist should test the reflex region of the spleen. If it is sensitive, it may indicate impairment in vitality and its stimulus should be included in the therapeutic protocol of the treatment for self-sabotage.

Continuing, a new questioning must be made by the reflexotherapist. Lack of vitality is a consequence or a cause. If it is a consequence, look for the cause. For didactic purposes, this cause may be the loss of self-esteem. If so, the reflex area of ​​the heart should also be worked on. This reasoning should continue until there is a perception that a root cause is working.


We humans are really complex and the psychosomatic and physiological understanding must be well understood by the reflex therapist to build an effective therapy.

Basic protocol of reflexes to treat self-sabotage. Reflex areas evolved:
1) Hypothalamus ;
2) Pituitary gland ;
3) Pineal ;
4) Column with emphasis on C1, C2, T12 and L1;

5) Circulation;
6) Liver ;

7) Spleen;

8) Hippocampus;

9) Ventral tegmental area ( VTA);
10) vagus nerve ;
11) Small intestine with emphasis on the ilium reflex region;
12) ileocecal valve;
13) Large intestine ;
14) Straight (fear of making mistakes);
15) Anus.

If the interactant has difficulty seeing that he is procrastinating or does not see ways of doing differently, the reflex areas should also be worked on:

16) In the emphasis column in C2;

17) Optical nerves;

18) Eyes;

19) Solar Plexus (forgotten, unfocused, tired mind).

If the interactor has difficulty starting its activities, the reflex areas should also be worked on:

20) Thyroid;

21) Parathyroid.


If the interactor, due to his self-sabotage, is very stressed and constantly anxious, the reflex area should also be worked on:

22) adrenal glands;

If the interactant, due to fears of situations already experienced, does not have the courage to start their tasks, the reflex area should also be worked on:

23) Kidneys ;

24) Ureter;

25) Bladder;

If the interactor, due to low self-esteem, does not believe he is capable of winning, the reflex area should also be worked on:

26) Heart;

1) Seek to develop good habits and avoid bad ones. Find out more ;

2)  To have energy to walk we must seek:

  • Beware of rebellious processes (I want it my way);

  • Have a focus;

  • Write everything that bothers me;

  • Be present;

  • Abolish beliefs that I can win alone;

  • Have discipline;

  • Selfresponsibility.

Health is Consciousness


Being healthy is a matter of conscience . The disease is above all an imbalance, and when we meet and harmonize physically, emotionally and mentally, we are creating a protective barrier. This balance translates into physiological homeostasis with our immune system restored.
information is the most influential force in the universe. "Jacob Bekenstein"

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